
Transpersonal Reality and Private Intelligence

It will become obvious to the advanced student of Supernoetics™, who has embarked seriously on the Failed Purposes and Lost Universes Project, that this is far from a mechanistic universe. It is not only very fluid or plastic, and can be changed, but it is a conscious experience, not a physical one.

The strange belief has arisen, which now pretends to be scientific to the exclusion of all else, that only the physical universe exists. This view supposes the conscious awareness happened by chance one day; atoms, molecules and “stuff” just suddenly woke up and said, “I’m here!”

It’s as nonsensical as it sounds. Moreover, this view hasn’t led anywhere. The mysteries of physics are not being solved at all, despite the trumpetings of people like Stephen Hawkins or Richard Dawkins. We have reached a point where all so-called reality is evaporating into the wind of consciousness.

There is no “stuff” (even if there was, it’s only one billionth of the known universe, according to Carlo Rubbia, Nobel laureate for physics in 1986). It’s all energy and information. What we thought of as atoms are breaking up into smaller and smaller particles. It could go on a long time and we be left with nothing at all to explain why we experience physical “stuff”.

Time and space are also just constructs of the mind (as rightly stated in the beloved 1911 edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica). There is no space, we now know, which is why we have “non-locality”. Time is an illusion.

What about energy? That’s about the most unreal thing there is, yet we think it is there. Nobody can see, touch or feel energy. We just suppose it’s there and is the explanation for change. For example if a glass of water changes from ten degrees to twenty degrees, we infer that energy was there and caused this change.

Once you start to work with these concepts, you’ll soon realize that the physical world is the illusion, not our consciousness. That’s what The Buddha said, two thousand five hundred years ago. Buddhism, we think in Supernoetics™, is more a master psychology than a religion.

The observer effect in physics means that consciousness is supreme. It is then a very small leap of understanding to realize that consciousness came first, not our physical world. Everything flows from consciousness.

So Buddha was right to say (or imply): tune consciousness for a better experience, not adapt to the physical world.

Research by Dr. Keith and others makes it plain that there is a universal consciousness. From that, individual viewpoints spun off. So we now have identities: an “I”—and a “You”, for others. But this is an illusion we are stuck with. Only by penetrating deeply into the realm of consciousness and the super-conscious can we learn to remake that connection.

Yes, we have the tools to do that. It doesn’t take half a lifetime, like mystical meditations do. Because of our technology aids we can make amazing changes happen in hours, days and weeks, and bring the full transformation into anyone’s grasp in a matter of years.

Why Are We So Inept?

So, you might ask, if we are wonderful super-beings deep down, how come we got messed up? That’s a great question.

It starts with the game. If you imagine a god, as people have approximately described over the centuries, don’t you think it would be bored out of it’s mind  within about 15 minutes? You would be, if you were all-knowing (omniscient), all-powerful (omnipotent) and present everywhere, in everything (immanent). Think it through!

So you would probably start to tinker with what you were experiencing, making up little rules (like not walking on the cracks in the sidewalk). You would want more and more complicated rules, to challenge yourself, so that it remained interesting. You might start chunking up things into events, little bits of experience that had a start, a process of change and then an end.

From that would follow the idea of time: lots of events strung together. As you collected these, it would start to get difficult to keep track. So you would invent memory and make copies of what you had gone through, to help you navigate the games, without slipping up.

But don’t you think there would come a time when you lost sight of the fact you had set up one of these “rules”, or that you were the author of your memories? It would surely happen, sooner or later, that it would blur and you would find yourself not at total knowing and total cause but just powerful?

Then, as you made mistakes, and broke the “rules”, and damaged your games or the participants playing with you, that you felt uncomfortable, even feeling regretful.

At that moment, you are trapped by the universe you have created. Once you commit a harmful act, you will try to be careful; you will hold back your powers.

Throw in aeons of time and you would find yourself—and possibly others—inhabiting a universe which appeared to control you, instead of you controlling it.

And that, dear reader, we might call “The History Of The Gods”.

But there would be clues that could not be suppressed for ever. Once in a while, you would be able to influence reality, by a powerful conscious creation. Now that’s ludicrously impossible with the “mind is brain” model, which is why self-styled scientists declare it can’t happen. It doesn’t fit their model, so they would say that, wouldn’t they?

But we know that people can and do override the laws of physics. People can pass telepathic thoughts, move objects at a distance, get a sense of future happenings and there are even documented cases of people levitating.

When presented with evidence of these occurrences, the scientists say, “It’s not possible, therefore it’s not true”. Some argue any such evidence is not credible; people are deluded or frauds. But when presented with real scientific research, showing it does indeed happen, as shown by Rupert Sheldrake, a real scientist, then they just ignore it and scoff at “gullible” people.

Well, it is true, we can’t do it at will, on a regular basis. But that was before Supernoetics™! We are working on it! Once you have been outside your body and seen it from another viewpoint than inside the head, you’ll know what we mean!

Destructive Behavior

“What a piece of work is Man; how noble in reason…” said Shakespeare (Hamlet).

If only we lived up to being the paragon of animals; the beauty of the world. But we don’t. Bad behavior started a long time ago, as you read in the previous section.

But there is a reason. One of Dr. Keith’s fundamental truths is this: all thoughts and behavior make sense, if you know the full context. Even Hitler’s evil insanity made sense, at some level. Nobody is inherently evil; we all try to do exactly the same things as everyone else, which is to be right.

If you followed the evolution of consciousness model from the previous section, you’ll realize that evil and Satan don’t make sense. Something good cannot create something bad, except as a blunder. How could a perfect God make a creature that was so imperfect, it ended up as the Devil?

Not logical, as Mr. Spock would say.

But the truth is, we do have bad behavior, stupidity, violence, wars, disease and ineptitude. It’s important to get straight about this. Trying to set “evil” aside as something different from what is within us all, we lose. That idea has not worked in over two thousand years.

For one thing, it puts someone else in control. It also leads to strange ideas like redemption: the teaching that you can screw up and it doesn’t matter because somebody else will carry the can for you.

In Supernoetics™ we have realized early on that taking full responsibility for your own actions is the only way back to our lost godhead. You are entirely in control. That’s where your power is. Letting someone else take the blame does not make you more powerful; nor does it make you happier, except for the silly feeling of “relief”. Whatever is wrong with this world, you are part-author and need to keep that in mind.

If you do, there is the very positive benefit that you can fix anything. It’s all yours, to arrange and re-arrange as you wish! Thus our piloting sessions can work.

You’ll learn immensely helpful skills in how to make these transformations from the individual course modules.

Private intelligence

Screwing up leads to the notion of insanity or, more exactly, what Alfred Korzybki called un-sanity. He meant a person isn’t totally crazy; just insane or irrational about one or two things in life. We also have another useful term in this context: private intelligence.

In the case of a neurotic failure in life, a person’s reasoning may be ‘intelligent’ within his own frame of reference, but is nevertheless socially insane. The person thinks it all adds up but the rest of us don’t see the deeper context and to us, it looks nuts.

For example, a thief said: “The young man had plenty of money and I had none; therefore I took it.” Since this criminal does not think himself capable of acquiring money in the normal manner, in the socially useful way, there is actually nothing left for him but robbery. So the criminal approaches his goal through what seems to him to be an ‘intelligent’ argument; however his reason is based on private intelligence, which does not include social interest or wider responsibility.

A man may be solidly married but insists of endless destructive affairs, with women who have nothing to offer his career or children. He is destroying the good part of his life, being bent on something which is very foolish. In private intelligence, it’s the right thing to do. But once the wider context is added, the actions no longer make sense.

Reasoning which has general validity is broad or true intelligence, which is connected with a social awareness. It makes sense in the wider context. Whereas isolated private intelligence may seem ‘clever’ to the individual concerned, it conflicts with social needs and is thus of little value.

Neurotics, psychotics, criminals, alcoholics, vandals, prostitutes, drug addicts, perverts, etc. are lacking a grasp of the wider social context. They approach the problems of occupation, friendships and sex without the confidence that they can be solved by cooperation. Their interest stops short at their own person – their idea of success in life is self-centered, and their triumphs have meaning only to themselves.

This leads to a lowered image of self, almost unavoidably. The person thinks: “I cannot finish what I have started because if I finish you might discover that what I did was not marvelous.” Thus, people create their own formulas with their private intelligence or logic according to which they live. They expect themselves to be far beyond their present point of development. They expect others to see them as having already arrived at the endpoint of their own capabilities. They then go through life begging for excuses because they have not reached this endpoint of evolution, of perfection.

Private intelligence, explained in this way, is a form of negative intelligence; a negative intelligence that includes all the distortions of analytical thinking that may occur, such as justifications, excuses, rationalizations and wild generalizations.

True intelligence might be said to be IQ multiplied by the degree of social involvement in life (through sex, family, work, play, education and all kinds of local, national and international groupings and involvements), which in turn requires personal stability and social skills, the facets of emotional intelligence. When the individual’s interest is too self-centered, he or she feels socially impotent or a nobody; he or she feels alienated from their fellow man.

Conversely, the person who is socially integrated feels at home in this world, and this gives him or her courage and an optimistic view. The balanced individual does not regard the adversities of life as a personal injustice; he or she is not alone.

All this is explored further in the concept of the twelve “Channels of Being”.

End Note: Another term for un-sanity or this world of “private intelligence” is aberrant common sense. Curiously, there are no references to common sense or its disorders in any known clinical textbook or diagnostic manual, despite most persons knowing at least one person who lacks common sense and whose chaotic behaviors are costly!

History of this document:
Originally published as part of a book “An Introductions to Kreissonetics”
(a precursor of Supernoetics®)
Copyright  2014 by Keith Scott-Mumby
For Supernoetics® Inc.

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