Watch what others have to say about Punk Psychology:
Bill Henderson
Modern designs tend to have a The late Bill was a much loved figure working and publishing in the cancer alternatives arena. He had a high regard for Dr. Keith and is clearly admiring of his works.
very wide beam and a flat bottom aft, to provide buoyancy preventing an excessive heel angle and to promote surfing and planing.
Brenda Wade
Stan and Mary
Nicholas Zaldastani
Nicholas has been a close follower of Dr. Keith, a great admirer, and has been able to offer invaluable business suggestions. He attends as many of Dr. Keith’s events as possible.
Become a part of the Punk Psychology™ Project. It’s a start-up tribe that I believe will create real social change.
After Our Unique Punk Psychology “Piloting” Procedure
Here are some guys who actually experienced the amazing and life-changing procedures we learn with Punk Psychology.